Being arrested for drug crimes has consequences in every state, but Florida residents may find that their penalties are worse than those of neighboring communities. While each state government is given the authority to select and enforce the punishments for lawbreakers, you may be among those who are concerned about the harsh consequences that are inflicted in courtrooms across the state. We at the Law Firm of Scott T. Moorey are committed to fighting for your right to fair treatment if you are accused of a Florida drug crime.
The posted a list of the top five worst states in which to be caught with marijuana, more commonly known as pot. According to this list, Florida was the third worst state in the country when it comes to punishments, but the number of drug arrests made is unknown. While the Federal Bureau of Investigation received annual marijuana arrest data reports for almost every other state, Florida officials refused to share this information.
You may find yourself facing a punishment of five years in prison and a $5,000 fine for cultivating a single marijuana plant. Even if you have only been accused of a minor marijuana crime, you are not off the hook. You can be dealt a fine of $1,000 and sent to prison for one year if you are found to be in possession of even two-thirds of an ounce of marijuana.
Researchers report that Florida’s judges regularly deal out harsher punishments for these lesser crimes than any other state. For more information on this topic, please visit our web page.