DUI charges need to be taken seriously as they can have multiple repercussions not limited to the specific criminal penalty. Aggravated DUI charges may result in increased penalties and sometimes even felony charges.
If you’re facing aggravated DUI charges, consulting with a qualified defense attorney can give you a clearer view of your options under your particular circumstances. In the meantime, an overview of how aggravated DUI charges work can provide you with a basic understanding of this topic.
Aggravated misdemeanor
Some factors can cause a DUI arrest to result in charges of aggravated misdemeanor DUI. This can happen if you cause property damage or minor injury while committing the drunk driving offense. Another example is a first-time offense where a child under the age of 18 is present in the car when law enforcement pulls you over. A blood alcohol content of 0.15 percent or over can also trigger aggravated charges.
Felony charges
Aggravated felony DUI charges generally happen when the DUI causes an accident resulting in death or serious injury. Additionally, two prior convictions within 10 years or three prior convictions can give rise to aggravated felony charges.
A felony DUI conviction can result in some very harsh consequences. Penalties may include up to five years in prison and fines between $2,000 and $5,000. You may also need to complete community service and pay for injuries or property damages resulting from the DUI.
Florida law also requires offenders to complete DUI school and alcohol addiction treatment. You may also have your license revoked for life, or an ignition interlock device placed if you do qualify to keep your license.
Not all DUI arrests lead to serious conseqeunces
While you should always take a DUI charge seriously, it’s incredibly important to keep in mind that even impressive-sounding evidence can have weaknesses and flaws. Every case is different, so what you heard on the news or what happened to someone you know may not be relevant to your situation.
The defense strategy you present can have a major impact on the outcome of your case, but you won’t know how favorable your outcome could be unless you speak to an experience attorney.