Woman arrives at court for jury duty, leaves facing drug charges

On Behalf of | Jul 3, 2018 | Drug Crimes

Florida residents who are called for jury duty can visit a dedicated website for advice about what to wear. Although it warns people to limit the jewelry they plan to wear and not to have change in their pockets to avoid being stopped at the metal detectors, there is no advice about carrying drugs. Anyone who is in possession of illegal drugs when he or she arrives for jury duty might have to face drug charges instead.

Such an incident was recently reported after a 39-year-old unemployed woman set off the alarm of the metal detectors at the front entrance of a court in Pascoe County as she arrived to report for jury duty. Upon investigation, deputies claim to have discovered that the alarm was triggered by two foil packets in the pockets of the woman’s cargo pants. Tests allegedly indicated that the .06 grams of powdery white contents of the packages were cocaine.

Authorities decided to search the woman and her property, and this led to the discovery of a straw, which was tested and indicated the presence of methamphetamine. They claim the woman admitted that she was the owner of the drugs, but she had forgotten they were in her pocket. She was arrested on charges of drug and paraphernalia possession and taken to jail where she was awaiting further proceedings on a bond of $6,000.

When anyone in Florida is accused of drug possession, the best step might be to retain the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately. The presence of a lawyer who is experienced in dealing with drug charges during interviews and questioning can protect the rights of the client and avoid self-incrimination. An attorney will base a defense strategy on the details of the case and aim to achieve the best possible outcome.
