Law enforcement in Florida will be out in full force in the time leading up to the holidays. Now is the time of the year when there is no shortage of DUI traffic stops, and anyone who has a few alcoholic drinks before driving is at risk of being arrested for impaired driving. However, police officers cannot pull drivers over without probable cause, and avoiding questionable driving maneuvers, committing traffic violations or obvious defects on the vehicle might prevent an arrest.
Most items and situations are controllable, and the best option is to avoid drinking and driving. However, frequent checks to ensure headlights, brake lights, taillights and turn signals are in working order is a good idea, and so is making sure that license plates are readable and securely affixed. Body damage on a car, noisy exhaust pipes, dark tinted windows and expired license stickers are all invitations to be pulled over.
Violations of traffic laws can also attract the attention of law enforcement, and the lack of signal use, speeding, rolling through or running red lights and stop signs are not recommended. However, being too compliant can also draw attention, such as driving below the posted speed limit, signaling long in advance or not taking a signaled turn might raise red flags. It might also help to keep in mind that police presence is almost guaranteed in areas where picnics, wedding receptions and other celebrations take place.
Drivers in Florida who fail to avoid being arrested and charged with DUI might be best advised to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney before answering any questions or allowing interviews. A lawyer can protect the defendant’s legal rights throughout the proceedings. The attorney can scrutinize the charges and the evidence along with the presence of probable cause and the procedures used to determine BAC before devising a defense strategy to obtain the best possible outcome.