Teenagers in Florida can get up to all kinds of mischief during the summer break. Sometimes, what starts as mischief leads to crime, and before long, they face juvenile crimes charges. The accused teens will likely realize the gravity of the situation and seek legal counsel immediately.
A lawyer can examine the evidence held by prosecutors, and also launch an independent investigation to find possible exculpatory evidence. When it comes to criminal prosecutions, evidence can be inculpatory, which might be incriminating and benefit the prosecution by indicating guilt. However, an attorney might find exculpatory evidence, which might be strong enough to get the charges dismissed outright.
Examples of these two opposites include inculpatory evidence provided by an eyewitness who testifies that he or she saw the defendant at the crime scene. If the attorney can obtain location data that shows the client’s cellphone pinging off a tower in a different location at the time of the crime, that could constitute exculpatory evidence. When it comes to DNA evidence, the results will determine whether the evidence is exculpatory or inculpatory.
A conviction for juvenile crimes can adversely affect a teenager’s future, and the type of evidence presented can mean the difference between acquittal and a guilty verdict. Whether the teen is accused of theft, unlawful possession of prescription drugs, underage drinking or another juvenile crime, an experienced Florida criminal defense attorney can help the client understand his or her rights and options. The lawyer can provide support and guidance from the time of the arrest and throughout the ensuing legal proceedings.