In Florida, judges are authorized to sentence defendants to community service. In many cases, such court orders are issued for juvenile crimes, especially when the charges involve misdemeanors and delinquency. But what does community service involve?
Community service is often a part of deferred adjudication, a suspended sentence, fines, probation or pretrial diversion. Juveniles with no criminal history, who committed nonviolent crimes are typical candidates for community service. However, such court orders are always subject to the discretion of the judge.
Community service typically eases the load for charitable organizations because this is the way for those affected to give back to society. When a judge orders community service, it usually reduces the fines or jail time of the individual. It is also a way to prevent overcrowding of prisons with minor offenders.
Court-ordered community service aims to do just what the name says. It seeks to benefit the community, typically more than what incarceration would have benefited a juvenile who committed minor offenses. Another benefit of community service instead of imprisonment is that the defendant has a better chance of being rehabilitated by the community than by the company he or she would keep in prison.
For any youth in Florida who is accused of committing misdemeanors or other delinquency-related offenses, the sensible step would be to consult with legal counsel as soon as possible. An attorney who has experience in dealing with juvenile crimes can be an invaluable asset. A lawyer can examine the allegations and evidence before working to achieve an outcome that would best serve the juvenile and his or her future.