When a child commits a crime, he or she must face the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. Despite criminal charges, parents still have a role to play when a child faces charges or already underwent sentencing.
The parental and family role in a child’s life who is under the supervision of the justice system is crucial to a child’s positive future.
What are your parental responsibilities?
Under the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, if your child is on probation, then you need to be an active participant in ensuring that your child achieves his or her treatment goals. It is up to you to maintain contact with your child’s juvenile probation officer. You will also be present at all court proceedings involving your child, will arrange for transportation to any treatment programs that he or she must undergo.
You also have a responsibility to report any violations of the court order to the juvenile probation officer. When children fail to complete the sanctions, then they will have a Violation of Probation against them. This could lead to sentencing within a Juvenile justice residential facility.
Is your engagement important?
Not only do you have a legal responsibility to your child but you also have a social obligation. According to the Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention, family engagement is a tool to prevent future juvenile crimes. Your role as a family member reinforces the importance of your child’s treatment. One program, the multisystemic therapy – family integrated transitions program, provides family services to help with the transition from incarceration to life at home. The idea is to reduce recidivism.