A stop on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol is an unpleasant experience, especially if testing indicates high blood alcohol content.
Perhaps knowing about the factors that influence your BAC level could prevent you from having to deal with a DUI charge.
Male versus female
Your body weight and the speed at which you are drinking and even your gender have a lot to do with your BAC. Women and men absorb alcohol differently. For example, a woman who weighs 100 pounds will have a BAC of 0.074 if she consumes two alcoholic drinks in the space of an hour. On the other hand, in a similar scenario, a man who weighs 100 pounds will have a BAC of 0.06.
Three drinks
In another example, a 200-pound man will have a BAC of 0.004 if he consumes three drinks over a period of one hour while the 100-pound man would have a BAC of 0.10. It would take the heavier man four hours for his BAC to fall to zero, but the 100-pound man would not achieve zero for seven hours.
About your limit
You can expect negative effects of one kind or another when you consume three drinks or more. However, because alcohol affects your perception, you may have no idea about the level of your impairment. Understanding how your body responds to the amount of alcohol you consume is a good way to determine your ability to drive. Knowing your limit based on your gender, weight and drinking speed may help you avoid a stop by law enforcement and the consequences of a possible DUI conviction.