When you hear about college students getting criminal charges over drugs, it may make you think of wild college parties. In reality, some students end up in legal trouble for prescription drugs that are popular as study aids.
These drugs are in strong demand on college campuses. Students may try to use stimulants to boost their energy and focus. However, taking this type of medication without a prescription poses serious medical and legal risks for students.
What are the consequences of a drug possession charge?
Students could face steep criminal penalties for possessing any quantity of pills. Under Florida’s drug laws, prescription pills that contain stimulants are typically Schedule II controlled substances. Having just one pill could result in a felony arrest.
What can happen to students for selling drugs?
Cash-strapped college students could easily underestimate the risks and consequences of selling prescription medications. Nevertheless, selling any type of controlled substance can lead to a conviction with a penalty of imprisonment and monetary fines in the thousands.
Whereas a school may put someone on academic probation for a drug possession charge, zero-tolerance policies about selling drugs on campus are common. Expulsion could be a likely consequence.
Is there a difference between selling and sharing drugs?
Students should be aware that there is no distinction between selling and sharing pills. In the eyes of the law, giving a friend a pill is the same as selling it.
Ultimately, students who are facing a criminal charge for possessing or distributing a controlled substance must understand the gravity of the situation and take action to protect their legal rights.