Some non-violent juvenile crimes in Florida could be expunged

On Behalf of | Jul 18, 2018 | Juvenile Crimes

Facing criminal charges is harrowing, and the consequences of a conviction can be devastating. When the charges are for juvenile crimes, the impact could be even more severe. Fortunately, the Florida juvenile justice system is not punishment-oriented like the adult criminal justice system, but geared more toward rehabilitation.

A recent announcement by a state attorney’s office will provide those under the age of 21 with arrest histories for nonviolent offenses with the opportunity to have those records expunged. The program aims to improve the chances of those juveniles to further their education and get jobs. Juveniles who qualify for this program would be able to file applications with colleges, schools and employers without having to disclose arrest records.

Along with the Palm Beach County State Attorney, other county authorities joined the effort. The program will allow more than one arrest to be expunged, and they expect the program to lead to fewer juveniles committing repeat offenses. It is also anticipated that the fact that young people with non-violent arrest records will have easier access to gainful employment will ease the state’s burden to provide public financial assistance.

Parents and teenagers who have questions about how to take advantage of this program can get information from an attorney who has experience in handling cases involving accusations of juvenile crimes. A lawyer can determine eligibility to qualify for a rehabilitation program, when applicable. Furthermore, legal counsel can assist with the application process to file with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for participation in the program to expunge arrest records.
