Navigating administrative suspension after a DUI

On Behalf of | Nov 4, 2018 | Firm News

Drinking and driving comes with a number of serious penalties in Florida. Drivers who face DUI charges may find it helpful to understand what they are up against.

There are a few important facts that can aid in navigating the administrative suspension process.

Understanding administrative suspension

An administrative suspension is a suspension on a person’s license that grants that person limited driving privileges. These privileges include driving for necessary events, such as the following:

  • Going to work
  • Attending court
  • Attending any required meetings

The courts consider driving most other locations to be pleasure driving, which is restricted under the administrative suspension. After an arrest, the arresting officer will confiscate the person’s license and give the person the administrative suspension paperwork. It is important to note that this process is for instances where the driver causes little to no harm or damage; those facing additional serious charges, such as DUI manslaughter, may not receive such leniency.

Options for resolution

After receiving an administrative suspension, individuals have three options for resolving the issue. They may choose to fight the charge, attend DUI school or do nothing. In order to fight the charge, drivers must submit a hearing request form, attend court on the court date and present their argument to the court. Parties may choose to represent themselves, or they may enlist the services of an attorney.

Attending DUI school can be a quicker resolution since drivers receive their driving privileges back upon completion of the course. However, they essentially do not contest the charge, and the conviction remains on their record for the next 75 years. Those who do nothing also receive the conviction on their record, and eventually lose all driving privileges.
