When you hear about college students getting criminal charges over drugs, it may make you think of wild college parties. In reality, some students end up in legal trouble for prescription drugs that are popular as study aids. These drugs are in strong demand on...
Criminal Defense
What factors affect your blood alcohol content?
If you get arrested for drinking and driving, you may worry about how the potential of a conviction could affect your finances, reputation and employment. Some of the common penalties for DUI include the requirement to pay a fine, spend time in jail and perform...
What you may not know about interacting with the police
Interactions with the police can be frightening, especially when they involve your arrest. An arresting officer in Fort Myers must inform you about your Miranda, including the right to remain silent. However, you may not realize that you have additional rights that...
How parents can help their college student after a DUI
When your child reaches college age, you can proudly view them as a full-fledged adult capable of making their own choices and mistakes. However, some mistakes can be too overwhelming for a young adult to face alone. If your child is under arrest for driving under the...
Corresponding consequences of criminal convictions for college students
Criminal charges are never a welcome event, but for young college students just starting to navigate adult life, they can be particularly damaging. Along with potential jail time, fines or court-ordered community service, the non-legal penalties of a conviction can...
How can you avoid self-incrimination if charged with a crime?
To prevent overreach by the government and law enforcement, the Founding Fathers established the right against self-incrimination in the U.S. Constitution. Savvy law enforcement officers and prosecutors seek to encourage defendants and witnesses to waive that right....
Should you mention your drug conviction on your FAFSA?
Few life experiences are more impactful than attending college. When you are pursuing higher education, you meet new people and try new things. According to the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities, college graduates also earn significantly more than...
3 ways drug possession charges can affect your college student
College can be a time of challenging education and self-exploration for your child. Unfortunately, it can also be when your child makes a poor decision that requires legal help. If charged with drug possession, here are three possible repercussions your college...
Will you be able to drive again with a second DUI conviction?
You probably rely on your car day in and day out. But you may not realize how dependent you really are until you face a second conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI). License suspension is a given for a second offense, but is there any way under...
Can an officer search your vehicle during a traffic stop?
If law enforcement pulls you over, it is important to remember your Fourth Amendment rights. Just as police cannot search your home without a warrant, they cannot search your vehicle without probable cause. Unfortunately, too many officers use traffic stops as a...