While it may be tempting to let your son or daughter experience the consequences of criminal drug use on their own, stepping in to help them with formal representation in court can give your child a second chance and resolve the situation more quickly. Everyone makes...
Many people have heard of their right to remain silent, even if just in passing. But how does it actually come into play if you are facing an arrest or interrogation? Understanding your Miranda rights is one of the most important things you can do to keep yourself...
In areas of high traffic particularly prone to intoxicated drivers, officers may set up something called a sobriety stop, or a traffic stop. What are these stops? And is it possible for a driver to avoid them if they do not wish to proceed through? What are traffic...
When you hear about college students getting criminal charges over drugs, it may make you think of wild college parties. In reality, some students end up in legal trouble for prescription drugs that are popular as study aids. These drugs are in strong demand on...
If you are facing a DUI charge, you should be aware of the common errors police make during suspected DUI traffic stops. Many mistakes can occur during a DUI arrest. Furthermore, the arrest may not be valid if law enforcement fails to follow the appropriate procedure....
If you get arrested for drinking and driving, you may worry about how the potential of a conviction could affect your finances, reputation and employment. Some of the common penalties for DUI include the requirement to pay a fine, spend time in jail and perform...
If you are too drunk to drive, you might think you can sober yourself up quickly through one or more methods you have heard about. However, so-called fast ways to get sober generally do not work. You could find yourself charged with DUI even after trying one or more...
Interactions with the police can be frightening, especially when they involve your arrest. An arresting officer in Fort Myers must inform you about your Miranda, including the right to remain silent. However, you may not realize that you have additional rights that...
When you live in Florida and have a felony conviction, you may find that your conviction makes it harder for you to do many different things, including finding a job or housing. Having a felony, alone, does not automatically mean you are not going to be able to find...
Getting a DUI can make a serious impact on a person's life. This goes for any person, and whether or not it is a first-time DUI. How exactly can one single DUI potentially alter the course of a person's entire life, though? Obvious impacts of a DUI The College...